How Much Does It Cost To Make An App?
Quickly calculate the cost of creating your app by responding to these simple questions.
What level of quality are you looking for?
Are you thinking of a Minimum Viable Product or a complete app?

What kind of app do you need?
Select the operating system you want your application to run on.

What type of design do you need?
Select the kind of interface you need for your application.

How would you like to monetise your app?
Select how you would like to earn money with your application.

Does your app need a login system?
Choose how users will access your application.

Does your app need to be integrated with a website?
Tell us if your application will need to gather data from another website.

Will the users have their own profiles?
Let us know if the users of your application need to create personal accounts.

Does the app need a control panel?
An admin panel enables you to track data, send push notifications, etc.

In how many languages do you want your application to be available in?
Pick multiple languages if you plan to target several markets with your app.

What stage is your project in?
Select the phase of your app project so we can guess how much help you need.

Great! We're finished!
The estimated cost of your app is
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What level of quality are you looking for? Change
What kind of app do you need? Change
What type of design do you need? Change
How would you like to monetise your app? Change
Does your app need a login system? Change
Does your app need to be integrated with a website? Change
Will the users have their own profiles? Change
Does the app need a control panel? Change
In how many languages do you want your application to be available in? Change
What stage is your project in? Change
Door 105 works with startups and established brands from around the world. We love new ideas & working alongside creative minds.
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